Gunotsav 2.0 mate Sahyogi karmchario nu List
Gunotsav 2.0 mate Sahyogi karmchario nu List
The factor which matters the most is “Visitor country/Geographical Location” because 99% of advertisers target their ad on the basis of Geo Location, also Ad keyword (advertising niche) matters a lot but it comes after country factors. You cannot get any revenue for niche from a country where it is not valid like “Insurance in Pakistan” although insurance is one of the highest paying keywords in the USA but you cannot get any revenue for insurance keywords from Pakistan as very few people are interested in insurance and there is no competition on Insurance keywords in Pakistan. So the most important factors for CPC is visitor location and ad niche.
Adsense CPC normally ranges from average 0.15$ to 20$ at the most for normal publishers, some account holders can enjoy up to 100$+ CPC for top paying keywords. Keep reading below to see how we can get high CPC.
Paripatra || Teacher List
Gunotsav 2.0 mate Sahyogi karmchario nu List
The factor which matters the most is “Visitor country/Geographical Location” because 99% of advertisers target their ad on the basis of Geo Location, also Ad keyword (advertising niche) matters a lot but it comes after country factors. You cannot get any revenue for niche from a country where it is not valid like “Insurance in Pakistan” although insurance is one of the highest paying keywords in the USA but you cannot get any revenue for insurance keywords from Pakistan as very few people are interested in insurance and there is no competition on Insurance keywords in Pakistan. So the most important factors for CPC is visitor location and ad niche.
Adsense CPC normally ranges from average 0.15$ to 20$ at the most for normal publishers, some account holders can enjoy up to 100$+ CPC for top paying keywords. Keep reading below to see how we can get high CPC.
Paripatra || Teacher List
Gunotsav 2.0 mate Sahyogi karmchario nu List
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